How to control hunger during weight loss?
Most people are more conscious about their weight, and they do different exercises and follow diet plans to reduce the weight. During the weight loss plan, the most common problem faced by people is controlling their food and hunger. People reduce the intake of regular food during the weight-loss period, and this may lead to more hunger than normal times. Hunger comes when people do not take enough food for their bodies. There are many solutions available to hunger, and many people highly prefer appetite suppressants during their weight reduction process.
Appetite suppressants are a type of diet medication pills used to reduce the hunger of a person or to make them feel full on taking less quantity of food. It mainly makes people curb their hunger and helps them in the faster loss of excess weight. There are many varieties of suppressants available and you can choose the best appetite suppressants after consulting your health care professional. When you combine these pills with your healthy lifestyle changes of proper exercise and diet, then you may lose up to 3% to 9% of your starting weight within the duration of 12 months.
They prescribe the appetite suppressant only for people with,
- Body mass index rate higher than 30. If it is above 30, then they consider them obese so they can use this pill.
- People with high blood pressure or diabetes, along with a BMI rate of 27 and above.
You should take it only after the consultation of doctors and people with various problems like liver disease, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, and heart disease should avoid taking it. Also, breastfeeding and pregnant women must avoid this because the intake of this pill during that time period may cause various health problems.
Types of appetite suppressants
There are the best appetite suppressants that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are available in the market. Initially, you can take these medications for a shorter duration of 12 months and if it helps in the weight loss causing no side effects, then the person can continue it. If it causes any sort of effects in the body, then they should avoid it. Some pill helps in the weight reduction and some help in the change in food habits.